This week’s interview is with ROAD CREW‘s writer & artist Tommie Kelly. ROAD CREW is a online comic about a wayward rock’n’roll roadie. Based partly on Kelly’s life, the reality of this story is only outweighed by it’s sheer hilarity. I talked to Tommie about ROAD CREW as well as his contribution to SECRET PROJECT, AS ABOVE, SO BELOW.
Go to NO REST FOR THE WRETCHED to get the inside scoop on this multi-talented creator.
Tommie Kelly is hanging tough.
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Welcome to the brand sparkling new jewel of the interwebz– SECRET PROJECT!
We kick things off Jeffrey C. Burandt and Ronald Salas’s anti-superhero masterpiece NOT THIS TIME!
Check out the story by clicking the image below!
Not This Time
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Hola- in honor of launching the first story in our SECRET PROJECT: NOT THIS TIME, creators Jeffrey C. Burandt and Ronald Salas were interviewed on NO REST FOR THE WRETCHED. Check it out, and be sure to stop back next week to read their creation!
Jeffrey Burandt is a flashy dresser.
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Yes girls and boys, the moment your entire life has been leading up to is about to happen– SECRET PROJECT is going live in two short weeks! Please take a moment to soak in the glory of our “Cover” by the most excellent Michael Avon Oeming. Colours (colors to us yanks) provided by the great Leonard O’Grady. And don’t ever forget for one second that our fantastic SECRET PROJECT logo was designed by the über talented Jeff Powell. Thanks guys!
Please note that SECRET PROJECT comics will be updated on a bi-bi-weekly basis. New comics are posted two weeks apart, but creator interviews are posted every two weeks too. Make sense? Every week new content. One week comic, the next week an interview and so on and so forth… too much babbling, I know. Ready to jump in? Here we go!
Art by Mike Oeming, and Len O'Grady
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